
A Second Chance at Self-Custody: Ledger's Controversial "Recover" Service

A Second Chance at Self-Custody: Ledger's Controversial

Ledger's "Recover": A Cause for Concern or Cause for Celebration?

In a move that has sparked heated debate within the crypto community, Ledger, the hardware crypto wallet manufacturer, announced its optional paid feature "Recover". This feature, when launched, will provide users the ability to back up and restore their private seed phrase. Given the potential security implications, the response has been mixed, leading Ledger to postpone the service launch.

On May 23, Charles Guillemet, Ledger's chief technology officer, assured via Twitter that the company plans to speed up the process of making their source code openly available, thus promoting transparency in their operations.

Aiming for Easy and Secure Self-Custody

Ledger CEO, Pascal Gauthier, told Cointelegraph that the goal of the "Recover" service is to simplify secure self-custody for users, without compromising on security. According to him, most crypto users currently store their funds on exchanges or software wallets, both options posing security risks. Ledger "Recover", as a completely optional service, aims to help users manage their 24-word phrase without feeling overwhelmed or intimidated.

The ultimate goal, Gauthier mentioned, is to bring the next 100 million users into the crypto space. To achieve this, he believes that self-custody needs to be a simpler process.

Challenging Core Beliefs

However, Ledger's current user base has expressed considerable concern about this new service. Shahar Madar, head of security products at Fireblocks, noted that Ledger Recover appears to undermine the fundamental principles that Ledger's customers value. He voiced concern about potential collusion among providers to initiate the recovery process without proper identification and authorization. He emphasized that users are placing trust in the providers to follow procedures and that this trust comes with inherent risks.

Bridging the Complexity Gap

Despite the concerns, some believe Ledger Recover could play a crucial role in encouraging new users to the crypto space and helping existing users manage their seed phrases. Madar pointed out that one of the biggest hurdles in cryptocurrency adoption is its perceived complexity. Ledger Recover, being an optional feature, could offer a solution to users, while also allowing those who are uncomfortable with the service to opt-out.

An Appeal to the Mainstream Audience

Marvin Janssen, co-founder of hardware wallet provider Ryder, shares the sentiment. He believes Ledger Recover can be particularly beneficial to new entrants into the crypto ecosystem. However, he also expressed concern about users understanding exactly what they're signing up for, given the current ambiguity surrounding the feature.

To address these concerns, Gauthier assured that Ledger would soon make the code behind the Recover protocol open-source. Additionally, users subscribing to the service will have to undergo ID verification to ensure only they have access to their backups.

Mixed Reception to Ledger Recover

Until further clarity is provided regarding Ledger Recover, it's likely that opinions will remain divided. Margaret Rosenfeld, chief legal officer for Cube Exchange, supports the need for a trustworthy recovery service, arguing that complete self-management of digital assets may not be desirable for most people.

On the other hand, John Woods, chief technology officer at the Algorand Foundation, expressed concerns about potential collusion among Ledger’s custodians. The exact details of how the encryption and sharding process works remain unclear, leading to continued doubts about the security of Ledger Recover.